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Over 3,000,000+ GOTRAX EV riders trust us, backed by 90,000+ reviews, available at over 10+ national retailers.

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Here's how GOTRAX became a leading producer of personal electric vehicles in just six short years.

Commuting with an adult e-bike in the city
Night ride on an e-scooter equipped with bright LED lights E-scooter rider catching air, feeling the thrill of the ride
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Electric Scooter

Is an Electric Scooter Safe for a 7-Year-Old?

Wondering if an electric scooter is safe for a 7 year old? Discover key safet...
What is the Legal Speed for an Ebike in Canada?

What is the Legal Speed for an Ebike in Canada?

Explore what is the legal speed of electric bicycles in Canada? To help you c...
Where Can I Buy an Electric Scooter?

Where Can I Buy an Electric Scooter?

Looking to buy an electric scooter? Explore top online retailers, local store...
What Is the Fastest Legal Ebike in Canada?

What Is the Fastest Legal Ebike in Canada?

Discover the fastest legal e bike in Canada, meeting strict speed and power r...
Are 750-Watt eBikes Legal in Canada

Are 750-Watt eBikes Legal in Canada?

In Canada, e bikes are limited to 500W motors and a top speed of 32 km/h. A 7...
Types of Electric Scooters

What Are the Types of Electric Scooters?

Discover the different types of electric scooters, from commuter and off road...
Electric Scooter

How to Choose the Right Electric Scooter for Canadian Life?

Discover how to choose the perfect electric scooter for Canadian life. Consid...