Vancouver Seeks Public E-Scooter Share Contractor for Late 2023

Vancouver Seeks Public E-Scooter Share Contractor for Late 2023

Richard DuBois |

Vancouver plans to expand upon its shared electric scooter and e-bike fleets. City staff are aiming for the bidding process for a service operator to public e-scooters by Fall 2023. However, service could potentially not begin until 2024. On the other hand, personal/private electric scooters have been approved to ride on bike lanes and local streets since mid-2021. According the memo announcing the expansion,

Staff anticipate that the successful proponent of the request for proposals (RFP) will provide a system which will potentially be revenue-neutral or revenue-generating for the City, provide local living wage jobs, and include a Council-directed equity program. To protect riders and vulnerable users, the system is anticipated to be station-based and supported as much as possible by safe and separated All Ages and Abilities facilities 

Vancouver City Skyline

This will hopefully quell some of the complaints people typically have with the rental e-scooters and e-bikes. Rather than a set area, it is a specific station where the rideables must be docked. Kelowna and Richmond both already have a permitted public electric scooter share service under the pilot program. Time will tell if the City of Vancouver will follow suite. Wherever and whatever you end up riding whether it be a rental or personally owned electric scooter or e-bike, be sure to wear a helmet!

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